Tiles - the new awesome way to present your content!

Tiles - the new awesome way to present your content!

Today we present you another new Joomla 2.5 extension - Tiles. Tiles is a new way to present your content. You can use Tiles to show photos, present products or display news in an modern and unique way. Take a look at the Tiles - Detail page for an overview. You can see it live at the demo site or at the Compojoom Startsite.Tiles comes with three different Templates (simple, modern and compojoom) and many different scrolling effects, like Transitions or Scroll on Mouseover. You can style every tile to your needs, from backgrounds (image, color, gradients etc.), over Linktypes (like buttons or just one link over the whole tile) till effect-overlays.Tiles has an great, 100% Ajax driven, backend editor, which enables you to easily create and manage your Tile-Galleries in no time.  


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