CMigrator 2.0

Hey guys! I'm really happy to let you know that we've just released CMigrator 2.0 . Along with the few bugfixes, CMigrator can now be installed and used on Joomla 3.0 & you can now even import your drupal6 website!

Daniel got so excited about this new release that he even made a short video demonstrating how to use CMigrator:

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CMigrator 1.0.1 released

CMigrator 1.0.1 released


Today we've released CMigrator 1.0.1 This is primary a maintenance release, but we have some nice new features that will make your life even easier.

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CMigrator 1.0 released

CMigrator 1.0 released

Hello guys! We are presenting you today the new version of our well know Wordpress/Drupal migration extension CMigrator!

CMigrator 1.0 got an user friendly error display. Now it is really easy to figure out why the migration is not working!

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CMigrator 0.5 released

CMigrator 0.5 released

CMigrator 0.5 fixes some scenarious where the migration was not working properly. This makes it more reliable than ever.

We've added support for comment migration from Wordpress to CompojoomComment!

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CMigrator version 0.3 - The life saver!

CMigrator version 0.3 - The life saver!

As you may already heard, CMigrator is a Joomla component for article, categories and tags migration from Wordpress or Drupal. Well, in this new version we added users migration as well to the list of features!

However, user migration is not the only new feature. Let us look into details:

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New Site! New Products and More!

You may have noticed here at Compojoom we have revamped pretty much everything. Over the past few months our team has been hard at work bringing you a better experience using our site as well as improvements to our current products with some amazing new releases on the horizon.

We have big plans for you and we are looking forward to hearing your feedback.

Lets see what has been changed and updated at Compojoom:

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