BiggieSmalls demo site is online

Man, I'm so excited! Really, I don't know when was the last time when building a zip package, installing it, uninstalling it, bulding it again, installing it again, un.... was fun?!? Somehow when I visit compojoom and see the countdown my heart starts to beat faster and faster! I've made an online demo site for our beloved BiggieSmalls template. And to test, that everything is working as expected I made a new theme for it - called "Facebook" - when you click on the button at the top of the demo site you will understand why :D

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BiggieSmalls template positions explained

With this blog post I would like to explain you what module position are available within BiggieSmalls. Click on the picture to enlarge it. Under it you will find additional info about the different module positions.


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BiggieSmalls video demonstration

Hey guys! I've made a short video demonstration, that will show you how to install and configure BiggieSmalls. I will be happy to hear what you think!


P.S. I know that you love my russian accent, but I'm bulgarian :D

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BiggieSmalls and why I'm going to make this template

Do you know the story of Lamborghini?

In his first years Lamborghini was building tractors and other machinery for the agriculture. However he had a passion for automobiles. With the time he was getting richer and richer and was able to purchase cars as Mercedes, Jaguar, Maserati. He bought a Ferrari and that is what changed his life. Lamborghini found out that the cars were equipped with inferior clutches and he had to return several times to Ferrari for clutch rebuilds. One time he was waiting for the technicians to fix that and he went to speak with Enzo Ferrari and complain about the problem. The proud Enzo Ferrari replied: "Lamborghini, you may be able to drive a tractor, but you will never be able to handle a Ferrari properly".

I felt like Lamborghini several times during the past few months.

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MyBlog + !joomlacomment = finally :)

That was a tough one. Really that was the most difficult plug-in I've ever written for joomlacomment till now.

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Joomlacomment 4.0 beta2 released

!Joomlacomment 4.0 beta2 was just released. You can download it thrgouht this link or just by visiting the download section. All bugs that were reported since beta1 were fixed :)

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sobi2 plugn and RSS improvements

Today I was working on a feature that was requested some 9 months ago :) Sobi2 is a directory component for joomla and now you will be also able to comment on any item in this wonderfull component.

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Selenium tests

Selenium is a testing framework for web applications. I wanted to write specific tests for joomlacomment since a long time, but I've never managed to find time for this.

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IE6 war goes on

As promised one month ago I will post the compojoom statistics for ie6. For june what we see is a 0.5% drop in users using ie6. The more interesting thing is that ie8 is gone from 14% in May to 25% in june. But I think that this is related to ads like this one.

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!joomlacomment 4.0 beta1 released

Today I'm proud to anounce that joomlacomment 4.0 beta1 is finally ready to be downloaded!
What is new?

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