Hotspots Docs
Show your Community Builder users on the map (Pro feature)
Starting with Hotspots 3.6 it is now possible to show your Community Builder (CB) users on the map. To enable this feature you need to enable the CB pluginHotspots.
We install the CB Hotspots plugin automatically. During the Hotspots installation we detect if you have CB on your site and if you do, we install the CB Hotspots plugin.
The CB Hotspots plugin does several things. This is the reason why it has a lot of parameters. The plugin is able to show a map with the user's hotspots on his CB profile and to add the user's profile to a Hotspot category. Here is an overview of the parameters:
How many new markers to display This option determines how many markers we should show on the map on the CB proflie page.
Google maps height This options determines the height of the google map on the user's profile page
Display name or username This options determines whether we will show the user's name or username on his profile.
Geocode This options determines whether we geocode the user's address and we insert a new hotspot with that address in the hotspots database. The possible options are:
NO- the geocode option is turned off. Users won't be added to the Hotspots database.
Yes- All users will be added to the Hotspots database
Use field- Geocoding will occur only when the value of the field specified in "Geocode field" is 1
Geocode field You can specify a custom field that we need to check in order to determine if the user should be added to hotspot or not. This way you can have an opt-in option for your users. Users that select this option will be added to the map - other won't be added. You can also use this in relation with CB subs and make it so that only users who have paid to be present on the map can select this field.
Hotspots category This is the category where the Hotspots should be added
Hotspots name This is the hotspots title. You can use any property of the CB user object as placeholder. {name} will be replaced with the user's name.
Hotspots description This is the hotspots description. You can use any property of the CB user object as placeholder.
You can use <hr id="system-readmore" /> anywhere in the description to force the text after the hr to go in the full text field.
Delete or unpublish? This option is related to the Geocode field. If you've set your geocode to be determined by a CB field, when the user decides no longer to be listed on the map, then we can either unpublish his hotspot or delete. Depending on this option we delete or unpublish it.
Address Enter the cb field that holds the street information. The default field is cb_street.
City Enter the cb field that holds the city information. The default field is cb_state
State Enter the cb field that holds the state information. The default field is cb_state.
Zip code Enter the field that holds the zip code information. The default field is cb_zipcode.
Country Enter the field that holds the country information. The default field is cb_country
Custom mappings Here you can determine the mapping between the custom fields in hotspots and in CB. This way a field that is present in CB can be shown in single view of a hotspot. Syntax is as follows: