Daniel Dimitrov wrote: Hey Cyril,
I'll be more than happy to look at any pull request!
We have a lot of stuff going on here and I was currently unable to work much on ctransifex, but once I'm free again we'll put some love into it!
Hi Daniel,
To give you some news of my last 3 days of coding on ctransifex, maybe it would be better not in this topic!

To sum up, i have added creation of collection and update.xml files, added a new #__ctransifex_packs to save individual xml information (author, description, stats, translators...). Too, i'm using this table to save hits on download.
Hits and updates files are okay, and working. I've added view in admin to manage Packs infos, and all this is mainly done.
When ready, i can send you my version enhanced with those features, but where? To your contact email on this website ?
I'm following you now on Twitter
I really think that cTransifex could serve all the developper community, but Joomla too!
Lyr!C (Cyril Rezé - joomlic.com)