when i test my joomla module, i get warning
Rule Jamss - JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan Script
1 Warning
#001 D:\wamp\www\extensions\tmp\jed_checker\unzipped\mod_slider.zip/mod_slider/images/496.gif in line: 6
info code Pattern found#24 - PHP execution operator: backticks (``)
this is preloader animate gif image - http://preloaders.net/en/circular/flip-flop/
then i checked itself "JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan Script" - https://github.com/btoplak/Joomla-Anti-Malware-Scan-Script--JAMSS-/blob/master/jamss.php
and they have uncommented backticks line:
* This needs some extra tuning, doesn't work yet
what you think, will this warning be the one of the reasons of my modules rejection by JED editors?
thank you very much,